Tech Insider : Politics
A smiling E. Jean Carroll leaves federal court in Manhattan after her verdict finding Donald Trump civilly liable for sexually abusing her.
A smiling E. Jean Carroll leaves federal court in Manhattan after her verdict finding Donald Trump civilly liable for sexually abusing her.
Tech Insider : Politics
e jean carroll trump trial
Writer E. Jean Carroll leaves a Manhattan court house after a jury found former President Donald Trump liable for sexually abusing her in a Manhattan department store in the 1990s.
Tech Insider : Politics
E. Jean Carroll arrives at Manhattan federal court for her rape-defamation trial against Donald Trump.
E. Jean Carroll arrives at federal court in Manhattan with attorney Roberta Kaplan for her rape-defamation trial against Donald Trump.
Tech Insider : Politics
donald trump
Former U.S. President Donald Trump during a round of golf at his Turnberry course on May 2, 2023 in Turnberry, Scotland.
Tech Insider : Politics
e jean carroll donald trump rape trial court
Former advice columnist E. Jean Carroll leaves federal court after testifying in her rape trial against former President Donald Trump.