Tech Insider : Economy, Economy
Several 100 yuan banknotes and a $100 bill.
China is playing defense more than offense in its international promotion of the Chinese yuan, a researcher says.
Tech Insider : Economy
US dollar bill with glitch effect
Some emerging nations are calling for a move away from the global financial system dominated by the US dollar.
Tech Insider : Economy, Politics, Economy
A few key outside factors are chipping away at the US dollar's dominance in global trade.
A few key outside factors are chipping away at the US dollar's dominance in global trade.
Tech Insider : Economy, Economy
A supporter of Presidential candidate Javier Milei of La Libertad Avanza holds a replica of a hundred dollars bill with Milei's photo during a rally on September 25, 2023 in San Martin, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
A supporter of Presidential candidate Javier Milei holds a replica of a hundred-dollar bill during a rally in September.
Tech Insider : Economy, Economy
Javier Milei and Sergio Massa are set to square off in a run-off vote to elect Argentina's next president on November 19.
Tech Insider : Economy
Russian President Vladimir Putin attending the final stage of the 3rd International Olympiad on Financial Security on October 4, 2023.
Russian President Vladimir Putin attending the final stage of the 3rd International Olympiad on Financial Security on October 4, 2023.