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Frank Rubio is shown being carried away in his astronaut garb, smilling and waving at the camera after landing back to Earth.
Frank Rubio landed back on Earth on Wednesday after 371 days on the ISS. His mission was originally meant to last six months.
Tech Insider

NASA has successfully returned a 250-gram sample of dirt from a near-Earth asteroid called Bennu. Scientists around the world will study the rock particles to see if they contain clues to the origins of life on our planet. 

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A picture of Jupiter snapped by Hubble on September 4th, 2021.
Jupiter recently welcomed a flashy guest from space.
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osiris rex asteroid bennu illustration nasa
An illustration of OSIRIS-REx in orbit around asteroid Bennu.
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sun solar surface side by side images left shows the full orange disk with a giant loop of plasma circled and a green arrow pointing to that loop on the right in a purple close-up
This filament formed on the sun, then erupted to send solar material speeding toward Earth.
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Side by side annotated image show Starship on its launchpad in April and September. Arrows and circle highlight two changes that have been made to the rocket since it last blew up.
Annotated images shows two of SpaceX biggest changes to its Starship mega-rocket, adding a vent between the stages and a flooding system to the launch pad.
Tech Insider
  • Two giant holes, 18 to 30 times the size of Earth, have appeared on the surface of the sun.
  • They could send 1.8 million mph solar winds toward Earth.
  • They're called coronal holes, which are cooler areas that don't glow as bright as others.

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NASA's Parker Solar Probe flew through a massive CME and caught the whole thing on camera.
NASA's Parker Solar Probe flew through a massive CME and caught the whole thing on camera.
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A diagram shows areas where lunar water has been detected. The diagram shows clearly that there is more water near the poles of the moon.
A diagram shows areas where lunar water has been detected. Scientists think they've spotted a new way water could be made on the moon.