Gizmodo : Environment

The Sun is orbited by eight planets, at least five dwarf planets, tens of thousands of asteroids, and around three trillion comets and icy bodies. Although not all objects of the solar system are as well known as Earth, Jupiter, or other celestial bodies with main character energy, they still make up a valuable part…



Do we live in an unusual star system? Astronomers have been trying to figure out if the Solar System is unique compared to other stars and their orbiting planets, and they just took a major step towards answering the longstanding cosmic mystery.


Tech Insider
illustration colorful planets lined up in a long trail receding into distant space
An artist's concept shows the variety of rocky, Earth-like planets that might exist across the universe.
Gizmodo : Environment

A team of astronomers have detected over 500 planet-like objects in the inner Orion Nebula and the Trapezium Cluster that they believe could shake up the very definition of a planet.


Tech Insider
  • Two giant holes, 18 to 30 times the size of Earth, have appeared on the surface of the sun.
  • They could send 1.8 million mph solar winds toward Earth.
  • They're called coronal holes, which are cooler areas that don't glow as bright as others.

Tech Insider
illustration of shadowy blue planet in space with a distant red star in the background
Exoplanet K2-18 b is not a planet astronomers would typically think to search for alien life.
Tech Insider
tarantula nebula cosmic dust cloud orange white web with stars
Webb captured the Tarantula Nebula star-forming region in this mosaic image stretching 340 light-years across.
Tech Insider
Mars, Uranus, Venus, Jupiter, and Mercury on a sky background
Top to bottom: Mars, Uranus, Venus, Jupiter, and Mercury will align like this in late March. This image is not to scale. Images of the planets have been overlaid on the sky to show their order.
Tech Insider
image of red planet in distant galaxy
An illustration of the exoplanet known as VHS 1256 b.
Gizmodo : Environment

It’s been 30 years since a NASA spacecraft went to Venus, a yellowish planet 67 million miles from the Sun and 141 million miles from us. Venus is often thought of as a sibling planet to Earth, both being rocky worlds close enough to the Sun to bask in its heat. And yet, at some point in their histories, the two…