Gizmodo : Politics

In a 6-3 decision on Wednesday, the Supreme Court ruled that the Biden administration didn’t do anything wrong when asking social media companies to remove posts full of misinformation.


It’s now been five years since Disney bought 20th Century Fox, and we’re finally seeing that really pay off on the movie side.


When you think of the most important people in Star Trek history, in terms of actors at least you might look to the legacies of people like William Shatner or Patrick Stewart.


What happened with AI this week? Well, the passage of the European Union’s AI Act—a landmark piece of regulation that seeks tackle the potential harms of the AI industry—is a pretty big deal. It could totally reshape how European nations’ relationship to the technology. But a lot of less consequential if no less weird…



Thomas is excited to visit his girlfriend Anna’s family home for the first time—but is startled to realize that a) it’s a freaking castle, and b) Anna’s dead relatives are still, uh, in residence.