
If you could see your opponent’s cards in poker, could you always clear them out? Game theorists draw a distinction between games with perfect information and games with imperfect information. Poker is a classic example of the latter category because players don’t know each other’s cards. Chess and tic-tac-toe, on the…



The spring movie season has begun, and one of its big tentpoles is Universal’s upcoming Abigail. Though the movie isn’t out for two weeks, a screening was held on Saturday night at the Overlook Film Festival.


Even in the era where the House of Mouse is Star Wars’ home, few things about the galaxy far, far away have defined its relationship with Disney other than Star Tours,


Of the many Star Wars film ideas floating around right now, it’s one of the most intriguing: James Mangold’s plans to take us back tens of thousands of years


It’s probably slightly early to get in line at the theater, but The Mandalorian & Grogu has an official release date.


With the goldfish memory I have, I leave my iPhone in the strangest places and forget where I saw it last. I’ve recovered my phone from the kitchen cabinets, inside dressing table drawers, and the closet. Thankfully, I’ve never had it stolen, but I’d want to be prepared for that, too.