
Scientists are inching closer to making telepathy a reality. In a new study published this week, researchers claim to have created a device that can read and translate a person’s internal speech. The findings only show modest success so far, however, and there are still many hurdles remaining before such devices can…



The brain of 34-year-old Amber Pearson contains a one-of-a-kind implant. The Oregon resident is the first person to have a deep brain stimulation device that manages both her epileptic seizures and her obsessive compulsive disorder symptoms. Her subsequent improvement has inspired scientists to conduct larger studies…



Researchers at Stanford University say they’ve made the sort of discovery that you’d expect to see in a piece of science fiction. In a controlled and randomized trial published this week, they found evidence that people can be made more susceptible to hypnosis with just two short sessions of non-invasive brain…


Tech Insider
MRI of a 30-year-old patient suffering from dystonia.
The MRI of a 30-year-old patient with Dystonia, treated by a high frequency deep brain stimulation by implantation of electrodes at the level of the internal palladium. The MRI scan does not belong to Johnson.