
This story is part of our new Future of Gaming series, a three-site look at gaming’s most pioneering technologies, players, and makers.



With the newly released Marvel’s Spider-Man 2, Insomniac Games introduces Venom to its superhero gaming franchise.


Ever since the release of the original Uncharted: Drake’s Fortune in 2007, PlayStation’s first-party lineup has gradually evolved into flashy cinematic affairs.


Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 is here, and with it, another entry into the great long history of adaptations of one of Spidey’s greatest foes-turned-frenemies in Venom.


When Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 hits the PS5 at the end of the week, Spidey fans will catch up a little while into Peter Parker and Miles Morales’ tenure as the Spider-Men


Like all big superheroes, Spider-Man has been played and voiced by a variety of different people over the decades.


Sequels often have a scope problem, especially superheroic ones. Your hero’s been established, they’ve come into their own, and now the temptation is that to test them you have to throw everything and the kitchen sink at them almost immediately. Go big or go home!


“I would love to be able to talk about that,” Ben Arfmann, the Narrative Director of Spider-Man 2 tells me in the most apologetic, sincere way after a particularly spoilery, forward-looking question.