
The Doctor’s romantic history has long been a fraught topic for the show to dive into—but in its modern incarnation, the Doctor’s identity as a sexual character, and how that interplays with their gender fluidity, has slowly but surely broken down barriers to allow interpretations of the Time Lord that broach all…


What a long road it’s been for Star Trek: Discovery, getting from there to here.


There are a certain amount of expectations when you say the words “a Steven Moffat episode of Doctor Who.” Over his tenure as a regular writer and then as the series’ showrunner for the best part of seven years, Moffat developed a house style—


Doctor Who is one of the most malleable shows on Earth. Its heroes change every few years, its titular one literally transforms into someone new.


New seasons of Doctor Who have always been a big deal, but this one has had even more anticipation behind it.


Russell T Davies may have already returned to Doctor Who with its 60th anniversary specials, but a new, full season of the show brings with it myriad opportunities.


When one Doctor biologically passes the torch to another, they do so in fire: a cascading, revitalizing burst of energy that blinds, dazzles, destroys, changes, and births in equal measure.


Ncuti Gatwa’s Doctor Who debut last year broke the mold for many reasons, but for one excellent one among many, it meant that for the first time ever fans got to b