
Doctor Who is a show about questions more than anything else—more than about time, than about space, than about monsters, than about running up and down corridors to and away from those monsters.


It’s been nearly seven years since The Last Jedi sparked the flames of a culture war Star Wars still finds itself embroiled in, and nearly five since The Rise of S


Every time the BBC brings in a new actor to portray the Doctor, their inaugural Doctor Who season (and any holiday specials that precede it) carry weight behin


The latest season of Doctor Who is barreling toward its end, and barreling toward things is something the 15th Doctor and Ruby have been doing an awful lot of


The Doctor’s romantic history has long been a fraught topic for the show to dive into—but in its modern incarnation, the Doctor’s identity as a sexual character, and how that interplays with their gender fluidity, has slowly but surely broken down barriers to allow interpretations of the Time Lord that broach all…


British actor William Russell, beloved for his role in the early days of Doctor Who as companion Ian Chesterton, has died, the Guardian r


The new season of Doctor Who is in full swing, and it’s already making some big moves early into its run.


Doctor Who is one of the most malleable shows on Earth. Its heroes change every few years, its titular one literally transforms into someone new.


New seasons of Doctor Who have always been a big deal, but this one has had even more anticipation behind it.