Gizmodo : Environment

After two consecutive failed launch attempts, the crewed Starliner capsule successfully launched on Wednesday, June 5, carrying two NASA astronauts to low Earth orbit. Boeing is testing the capsule’s capability to transport crews to the International Space Station (ISS), with Starliner docking at the ISS.

Gizmodo : Environment

Being the space nerd that I am, I often imagine a museum filled with the most important objects ever sent to space. We couldn’t possibly build a place like this, but we can speculate as to which human artifacts deserve a place in our imaginary spaceflight museum.



For millennia, our species looked at the Moon as a place that would forever be beyond our reach, but 20th-century technologies finally made our natural satellite accessible to probes, landers, and even human explorers. Despite these achievements, however, the Moon has furiously resisted our overtures, whether it be…



Frank Borman, born in 1928, emerged as one of the most influential figures in the history of space exploration. As a test pilot, astronaut, and commander of the groundbreaking Apollo 8 mission, Borman’s career spanned the heights of the Cold War space race.



Melania Trump released her latest collection of nonfungible tokens (NFTs), this time commemorating humanity’s giant leap on the Moon with a famous photo of NASA Astronaut Buzz Aldrin walking on the lunar surface. There’s just one thing though: NASA does not approve the use of its imagery for the digital tokens.