
I’m a Grant Howitt stan, so when Rowan, Rook & Decard announced their newest endeavor,


Dungeons & Dragons might be bigger than ever, but the release of Baldur’s Gate 3 has catapulted the fantasy world and mechanics of the world’s biggest TTRPG into the hands of a whole eager new audience of playe


Google’s Search AI is getting much more definition-heavy. The latest update to the Search Generative Experience will feature AI summaries of long articles.


Throughout the decades, there’ve plenty of video games based on or featuring the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. While each of them have their own fans, one thing they all share in common is that they exist pretty comfortably in a space for young kids and maybe a nostalgic fan.


As a parliament of nerds (affectionate) walked up and down the lanes of Gen Con, the annual tabletop gaming convention in Indianapolis, there seemed to be a never-ending supply of new games to try—and independent outfits were giving con


It’s not every Pathfinder Tales volume, but there still are a lot represented in Humble’s current bundle deal of Paizo ebooks inspired by the fantasy world of


So... Gen Con happened. To like, all of us. The annual gaming con held in Indianapolis brought “record breaking” numbers of fans through the convention center. Also, a few awards.


Since 2005's Elantris, Brandon Sanderson has gradually risen in prominence as one of the biggest (and busiest) fantasy authors working today.


Players jumping into the hotly anticipated Dungeons & Dragons RPG Baldur’s Gate 3 will likely want to skip through the intensely rambling licensing agreement. But for those players who actually decide to stay awhile and listen—er, sorry, wrong game—I mean read the mountainous EULA agreement, developer Larian has a…


With as many classes and subclasses as there are in Dungeons & Dragons’ current edition, trying to find balance for all of them is inevitably going to end up with some being left behind.