
A mosquito-borne disease best known for causing severe cranial deformities in babies may someday become humanity’s ally. Duke University scientists and others have created a weakened version of the Zika virus that could potentially be repurposed into a treatment for often fatal brain cancer. In lab experiments, their…


Gizmodo : Environment

Florida has been playing host to an emerging version of the dengue virus, new research shows. The study found that the state has experienced an “unprecedented” number of cases caused by dengue virus serotype 3 over the past two years, including locally acquired cases. Outbreaks have remained relatively small and…


Gizmodo : Environment

One of the world’s most dangerous infectious diseases is encroaching further into the U.S. This week, health officials in Arkansas reported a locally acquired case of malaria, the first ever documented in the state. At least three other states have reported local cases of the mosquito-borne infection this year, though…


Gizmodo : Environment

As the planet warms, mosquitoes are slowly migrating to higher places — and bringing malaria to populations not used to dealing with the potentially deadly disease.