Gizmodo : Environment

The temperatures have been too damn high in Texas this summer, prompting households and businesses to crank up their air conditioning and break energy usage records again and again. The state has broken its own record for highest-ever electricity usage nine times in summer 2023.


Gizmodo : Environment

Buenos Aires in Argentina saw an especially hot start to this August, and temperatures spiked above 30 degrees Celsius throughout the capital for the first time in years.



Tech hype comes in waves, and while the focus constantly changes (first crypto, then metaverse, and now AI), some things—like tech’s critics—remain the same. SEC Chair Gary Gensler has been the crypto community’s public enemy no. 1 for a few years now, but now he’s offering his somewhat caustic assessment on Silicon V…

Tech Insider : Crypto
crypto illustration celsius
Celsius went bankrupt last year as the so-called "crypto winter" engulfed the digital-asset market.
Tech Insider : Crypto
alex mashinsky celsius
Alex Mashinsky pushed Celsius into increasingly risky loans in a bid to maintain high rewards, the filing argues.