
All told, Spider-Man is one of the weirdest high-profile superheroes. Peter Parker will always be famous, and that means anything he ends up headlining will just eventually have an odd aura around it.


As discussion and speculation about a fourth Tom Holland Spider-Man film continue, one constant that’s not in doubt is Tom Holland himself.


Marvel’s comics have suddenly dovetailed into what’s been going on in Marvel’s movies for a long time—even before the MCU hit stratospheric heights, there’s always been elements from adaptations that then

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Spider-Man is one of the most popular superheroes ever, and for many, he’s at his most exciting when he’s hanging around with other Spider-heroes.


Sony’s non-Spider-Man efforts to build its own Marvel universe have been all over the place, but one of the more intriguing additions were individual TV shows for

Gizmodo : Sports

While Spider-Man and the Sinister Six have yet to share the big screen together, they can soon have a major meet-up in your home.