
A Lyft passenger lived every pet owner’s worst nightmare this weekend after a driver drove off with his cat. The two were eventually reunited, but not before the cat’s owner and Lyft itself whipped up the public to help find the feline.



On Tuesday, Lyft announced a new feature that will connect women and nonbinary riders with other female and nonbinary drivers to create a more secure and confident experience. The feature, called Women+ Connect, will allow riders to choose to match with similar drivers which Lyft says was a “highly requested feature.”



The days of sky-high carshare rates could be behind us—at least if Lyft is your app of choice. The Uber competitor announced during a quarterly earnings call yesterday that phasing out surge pricing is on its list of priorities moving forward.


Tech Insider
Lyft CEO David Risher standing in front of a gray wall with a white Lyft logo behind him.
Lyft CEO David Risher said people should want to return to the office "for the snacks," the Wall Street Journal reported.