
In main-character game news, Terraforming Mars is using AI artwork, and that fucking sucks, especially considering it raised over a


A couple of weeks ago, I finally closed the book on my first—inevitably, first of many—playthrough of Baldur’s Gate 3.


After last week’s Dungeons & Dragons-themed picket I can really feel the solidarity on this blog tonight. Now, in the spirit of industry solidarity, we’re doing something a little different, but for the better.


I’m a Grant Howitt stan, so when Rowan, Rook & Decard announced their newest endeavor,


So... Gen Con happened. To like, all of us. The annual gaming con held in Indianapolis brought “record breaking” numbers of fans through the convention center. Also, a few awards.


Paizo, the games company that created fantasy tabletop RPG Pathfinder, announced at Gen Con that it is actively updating sci-fi TTRPG Starfinder. The first playtest is actually available now.


There are some incredible games in this week’s issue, and I’d like to point out a couple of my favorites.