
We’ve already seen companies try for a laptop alternative using AR glasses as a screen with the Spacetop G1. So why don’t we have a phone made explicitly for AR?


The biggest monoliths in tech can’t stop talking about “Plus” as of late.


The latest versions of the iPad Air and iPad Pro have effectively discontinued any Apple tablet with a headphone jack. I know, I know, that slow march away from dedicated audio jacks has been trending on for the last decade, as much as we might miss them. It seems audiophiles who want wired audio devices may be in…


Keeping track of medications is vital in most cases, but it can be hard to do without alarms and an extra nudge to make it a habit. I’ve personally had difficulty staying on schedule since I started taking daily medications decades ago. But these last few years, as more smartphones began to have the ability built-in,…



The latest charts from analysts at IDC show Samsung has reclaimed the top spot on the global smartphone charts for the first quarter of the year, knocking Apple down to number two.


There’s enough going on in the world without your smartphone adding to your stress levels, which is why it’s worth taking a few minutes to configure your Android handset so it’s as friendly, as intuitive, and as convenient to use as possible. There are quite a few ways to go about this, and we’ve included some of our…



Have you ever found yourself in a situation where you need your parents to perform a complicated (well, complicated for them) task on their phone, but they can’t quite follow written instructions? Well, let’s hope your folks are better visual learners.


As Aaliyah sang in her 2000 hit, “Try Again,” “If at first you don’t succeed, oh, then dust yourself off and try again.” Google did that.