
The UK has embarked on a first-of-its-kind initiative that will make the lives of many diabetics much easier. The country is set to provide artificial pancreas devices to tens of thousands of people living with type 1 diabetes. The recently approved devices should eliminate the need for patients to constantly measure…



Research out this week appears to show the potential longevity of transplanted organs from genetically engineered pigs. Scientists gave monkeys kidneys from these animals, finding that some were able to live for one to two years. Many of the genetic changes evaluated in this study could make pig-to-human transplants a…



Scientists appear to have developed a hand prosthetic that provides much more control and comfort than those available today. In new research this week, they’ve detailed the case of a Swedish woman who has successfully worn the advanced bionic limb for years with no major issues, while experiencing significantly less…



Your hands are probably heavier than you think, a new study suggests. In a series of experiments, researchers showed that people consistently underestimated the weight of their hands. The findings might one day help us better design prosthetics that feel more comfortable for their users to wear, the authors say.