
In a modern movie landscape dominated by mega franchises, 2024 is looking mighty odd indeed. Yes, we’ve got films coming from DC, Marvel, Transformers, Lord of the Rings, and a few others, but almost all of them are slightly off-brand. The Transformers and Lord of the Rings movies are animated.


When the Ultimate Marvel line launched 24 years ago, it wanted to bring Marvel’s heroes back to their roots, a modern world for modern titans to shape.


Whatever else you can say about X, previously known as Twitter, it’s never really boring.


When you make the third highest-grossing film of all time, the first thing people will ask about is a sequel.


We’ve gathered 10 books that spotlight some of pop culture’s most beloved and fascinating properties, including Disney, Star Trek,


The last few months have been quite a time for Kamala Khan and her legions of fans.