
Loki going from Marvel Studios’ God of Mischief to God of Stories gave actor Tom Hiddleston the opportunity to explore the full arc of the fan-favorite anti-hero.


Absurd as it is as there’s anyone to particularly take “blame” for a popcorn superhero blockbuster that raked in $761 million during its theatrical run—few studios would see that,


Werner Herzog has joined Bong Joon Ho’s mysterious new animated movie. Sophia Di Martino ponders Sylvie’s potential path in a future with more Loki. Plus, get a look at Sweet Tooth’s return. Spoilers get!



Finding Loki’s glorious purpose finally came full circle at the end of Loki season two in ways perhaps the God of Mischief turned God of Stories couldn’t have imagined.


After a decade of dominance climaxed in Avengers: Endgame shattering records along its way to cultural and box office royalty, it isn’t entirely unfair to say that Marvel has had a bit of a rollercoaster time setting the stage for its next era.


Even before the Disney+ series released this past December, the Percy Jackson universe seemed primed to expand with movie trilogy for the Kane Chronicles books over at Netflix.


In one of those rare cases where the rumor mills are actually accurate, director Taika Waititi confirmed that if Marvel Studios decides to make a fifth Thor movie, he won’t be involved.


In the season two finale of Disney+ and Marvel Studios’ Loki—which circles back to the same title as