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Kansas City Chiefs vs. the Miami Dolphins in November 2023
The Kansas City Chiefs are playing the Miami Dolphins in an NFL playoff game Saturday. But you'll only be able to watch it if you pay for Peacock.
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Patrick Mahomes.
Patrick Mahomes.
Gizmodo : Politics

Republican lawmakers pounding the well-worn TikTok ban drum are using flaming hot tensions over the conflict in Israel to try, once again, to knock the app offline. The new line of attacks, based on shoddy data analyses, claims TikTok is boosting anti-Israel content in order to brainwash a generation of gullible…


MGM Resorts refused to pay a ransom to the group that hacked its systems last month which shut down its online hotel booking system, locked guests out of their hotel rooms by de-activating their key cards, and disrupted the technology in its slot machines.


Microsoft’s future plans for its Xbox gaming platform were exposed in the Federal Trade Commission’s (FTC) legal filings on Monday evening.


Sir Ian Wilmut, the British scientist who led the team which cloned Dolly the sheep, has died, the University of Edinburgh in Scotland confirmed in a statement on Monday. He was 79 years old.


The U.S. federal government is taking a significant step closer to becoming tolerant of cannabis. On Wednesday, a leaked letter from the U.S. Health and Human Services revealed that the agency has endorsed the rescheduling of the drug from a Schedule I to Schedule III controlled substance, a more lenient designation.…

Tech Insider
Shelley Herman
Shelley Herman details her experience working as an NBC page in the book "My Peacock Tale: Secrets of an NBC Page."