Gizmodo : Environment

New research appears to highlight another tragic aftereffect of the 9/11 terror attacks. Scientists have found evidence that responders exposed to dust and debris from the collapse of the World Trade Center are more likely to develop early onset dementia. The findings also suggest that protective personal equipment…



A team of scientists seems to have discovered a previously hidden genetic cause of Alzheimer’s. In a new study Monday, the researchers found strong evidence that people carrying two copies of a genetic variation already tied to Alzheimer’s risk are practically destined to develop the neurodegenerative disorder as they…



A new study this week points to a potential transmission risk of Alzheimer’s disease. Researchers found evidence in mice that an inherited form of the neurological disorder can be passed on via bone marrow donation. While such a danger has yet to be confirmed in humans and likely to be infrequent if it can happen, the…



Our brains are in rougher shape than we might think. New research from the World Health Organization and others estimates that nearly half of people globally are living with neurological conditions, such as Alzheimer’s disease, stroke, or epilepsy, just to name a few. Collectively, these neurological problems are now…



Biogen is abandoning its lackluster Alzheimer’s disease drug, Aduhelm. The Massachusetts-based company announced Wednesday that it is pulling the medication from the market following poor sales and controversy over its approval by the Food and Drug Administration in 2021. The company says it is only doing so to…



Millions of Americans and their doctors are in the dark when it comes to early cognitive decline, according to new research from the University of Southern California. A study out this week suggests that most general physicians vastly under-diagnose mild cognitive impairment among their patients, following another…



An existing medication for multiple sclerosis could possibly be retooled into a treatment for Alzheimer’s disease, new research suggests. A team of scientists has found evidence in mice and human brain tissue that the drug ponesimod can reduce the inflammation and toxic amyloid plaques found in those with Alzheimer’s.…


Scientists in Japan may be at the start of a truly monumental accomplishment: a vaccine that can slow or delay the progression of Alzheimer’s disease. In preliminary research released this week, the vaccine appeared to reduce inflammation and other important biomarkers in the brains of mice with Alzheimer’s-like…