Gizmodo : Environment

In recent years, drink chains have switched their single-use cups from plastic to paper to avoid plastic pollution and pile-ups in landfills. But according to recent research, the plastic cup that we feel good walking out of a cafe with isn’t great for the environment either.


Gizmodo : Environment

Picking up the trash in space could be as easy as stuffing pieces of defunct spacecraft into a giant bag, closing it up, and tossing the pesky space junk into an orbital recycling plant. At least that’s what space startup TransAstra hopes to do with its inflatable capture bag.



The world is covered with plastic pollution. That breaks down to become microplastics—tiny bits of plastic smaller than 5 mm.

Gizmodo : Environment

In a sad case of debris-on-debris crime, a defunct payload adapter that was chosen as the subject of a space debris cleanup mission was itself hit by a piece of space junk.

Gizmodo : Environment

After days of devastating fires that have displaced thousands of people, and have burned down important historical sites throughout Maui, the official death count has risen to 106 according to officials.

Gizmodo : Environment

Europe has been on fire this summer, but the number of firefighters available to address blazes around the continent has been on the decline.


Gizmodo : Environment

Widespread wildfires across Canada have broken a carbon pollution record this year, a European climate monitoring agency said this week.


Gizmodo : Environment

A groundbreaking demonstration by the European Space Agency (ESA) suggests it’s possible to deorbit satellites safely and in a reasonably controlled manner, even for those not originally designed for such maneuvers.

Gizmodo : Environment

Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak’s space start-up Privateer aims to bring satellite access to the masses through a global online marketplace. Satellite-based data is primarily available to governments, but the company hopes to create a way for private citizens to share the cost of accessing a satellite, potentially…