Gizmodo : Environment

On March 8, a small, cylinder-shaped object fell from the skies and crashed through the roof of a family home in Naples, Florida. Alejandro Otero, the homeowner, suspected it came from space but he wasn’t sure what he needed to do get NASA’s attention and be taken seriously.

Gizmodo : Environment

Tropical storm Idalia has made its way through several states since it made landfall yesterday and has moved on to North Carolina after leaving a trail of collapsed homes, flooded streets, and felled trees.


Gizmodo : Environment

In a sad case of debris-on-debris crime, a defunct payload adapter that was chosen as the subject of a space debris cleanup mission was itself hit by a piece of space junk.

Gizmodo : Environment

Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak’s space start-up Privateer aims to bring satellite access to the masses through a global online marketplace. Satellite-based data is primarily available to governments, but the company hopes to create a way for private citizens to share the cost of accessing a satellite, potentially…

Gizmodo : Environment

What goes up must come down, and that includes all of the satellites, rocket stages, and junk that humans have launched into space. A group of scientists is sounding the alarm about how that growing cloud of debris orbiting Earth may cause us trouble in the future, and are championing a global approach to governing…

Gizmodo : Environment

There’s a lot of junk orbiting our planet, from tiny flecks of paint to defunct rocket stages.