Gizmodo : Environment

The recent total solar eclipse on April 8 provided a rare glimpse of the Sun’s roiling corona, including some eye-grabbing prominences. Those views were neat, but a new video captured by Europe’s Sun-buzzing probe is providing some of the best close-up views of our host star that we’ve ever seen.

Gizmodo : Environment

Things have been heating up for the Sun, as the star approaches peak activity during its 11-year cycle, with giant eruptions bursting regularly from its surface. Luckily for us, this coincides with the Moon passing between the Earth and its host star, offering a captivating view of the solar corona during the upcoming…


Gizmodo : Environment

Scientists behind a Sun-observing probe applied a simple hack to one of its cameras, allowing them to peer into rarely seen regions of the Sun’s atmosphere.


Gizmodo : Environment

That massive ball of hot gas at the center of our solar system is responsible for keeping our planet nice and balmy, but its also the source of some huge astronomical disruptions. Earlier this week, two enormous solar flares erupted from the Sun, knocking out radio signals across the U.S.


Gizmodo : Environment

A massive outburst from the Sun was felt across three worlds in a rare event that could help protect astronauts from harmful radiation during future missions.