
These are the best airports in the world according to Skytrax, an “air transport rating organization.” By surveying travelers across more than 570 airports, the ranking tracks satisfaction across categories like check-in, arrivals, transfers, shopping, and securit


Movie marketing always treads a fine line between actually giving you an indicator of what you’ll see in the final film and more about evoking a specific vibe—from made-for-trailer shots to hypothetical what ifs, it’s sometimes not always clear what part of it will actually be seen on screen when you’re in a mo

Gizmodo : Politics

More than 10 workers held a sit-in on the 10th floor of Google’s New York City headquarters on Tuesday to protest Google’s ties to Israel, organizers from “No Tech for Apartheid” tell Gizmodo.


A month after making a controversial comparison between the biggest movie of last year and his own Netflix hit, director Zack Snyder straightened a few things