
A prominent identity verification firm that has contracted with TikTok, Uber, X, and other large platforms, left a set of administrative login credentials exposed to the internet for more than a year, according to a report from 404 Media.


If you’re running the iOS 18 developer beta, you may have noticed your Android friends aren’t the same green bubbles as they used to be. Carriers have been steadily rolling out RCS support on the backend, and plenty of iPhone-wielding folks have already reported decade-long feuds being solved due to Apple acquiescing…


If you’re mainly plotting routes through Google Maps on your web browser, Google is telling you it’s past time to start using the app and only the app. The company is ending access to the Timeline feature for users on the web. If you want to keep your past routes, you’ll need to download them to your app.



When web browsers first began to support apps and interactivity, the functionality was basic and slow—but now online apps can do almost as much as desktop apps can, and, more importantly, these online tools are free.



Sadly, people aren’t always as nice as they could be, and that’s where you need to turn to the various blocking and reporting features on the digital platforms you frequent. Overall, these features work well and effectively put up barriers between you and those you don’t want to hear from.



Google Workspace released an update today that could make video conferencing in meeting rooms a bit more convenient. With its new ‘adaptive audio’ feature, Google Meet will sync the mics and speakers of all the laptops in a room for an improved overall audio experience.


This page was updated on 5/17/24 to include information on how to access the PPSPP and RetroArch emulators on iPhone.



You only need two letters to describe best the latest iteration of Google’s big yearly developer shebang: AI.


Just yesterday, I was talking about how Apple’s new AI-powered transcription and summarization feature for voice memos on iPhone is one of the features Rabbit promised on the R1 for later thi


Ashley Madison promotes itself as a dating site that helps people cheat on their partners. But newly released consumer complaints filed with the FTC, obtained exclusively by Gizmodo, should probably give any potential cheaters pause. The site is lousy with extortion attempts, to put it mildly.