Tech Insider
online dating
After browsing the selection of potential dates on Amazon Dating, users can click and "buy" them.
Tech Insider
Lidiane Jones, former Slack CEO, speaks in front of a blue background while wearing an orange dress.
Lidiane Jones, the former CEO of Slack, was named Bumble CEO in November.
Tech Insider
A picture taken from northern Israel, along the border with southern Lebanon on March 4, 2024, shows smoke billowing following Israeli bombardment on the Lebanese village of Markaba.
A picture taken from northern Israel, along the border with southern Lebanon on March 4, 2024, shows smoke billowing following Israeli bombardment on the Lebanese village of Markaba.
Tech Insider
former Bumble CEO Whitney Wolfe Herd
Whitney Wolfe Herd cofounded Bumble in 2014. She plans to step down as CEO in January 2024 after nearly 10 years at the helm.
Tech Insider
A close up view of a man and woman = hands clasped together while the sun shines on the other side of their hands.
SciMatch claims to match partners using only a selfie.