Tech Insider
Four llamas stand in what looks like the dessert .
Llama poop is very nutrient dense, and therefore can help fertilize barren ground.
Tech Insider
A photo of Dennis Hutson (right) with his brother-in-law Kayode Kadara (left).
Dennis Hutson (right) co-bought the land for TAC farm with his sister and brother-in-law Kayode Kadara (left).
Tech Insider
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Tech Insider : Economy, Economy
Owner of farm in orange orchard.
Dale Murden on his farm in Texas.

This article is part of Insider's "The True Cost of Extreme Weather" project. Read more here.

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Tech Insider

Louisiana produces 90% of the United States' crawfish. Most of the farmed crawfish comes from rice fields in one small area of Cajun country. There, the industry is fairly new. In the 1980s, rice farmers experimented with cultivating crawfish in their fields.

Tech Insider
Jack Ma, founder of Alibaba Group.
Jack Ma started off as a school teacher and built China's Amazon. But 3 years after Beijing cracked down on his tech businesses, Ma's now turned to farming.