Tech Insider
A former California official pleaded guilty to conspiring to steal between $1.5 million and $3.5 million worth of water from the federal government.
Tech Insider

The new strain of bird flu has infected more than 90 million chickens and has spread to dairy cows and even humans. Here's what you need to know about the "global pandemic for animals."

Tech Insider

Police in India fired rounds of tear gas at farmers protesting government policies. The farmers are pressuring the government to honor its promise to double their income and waive loans.

Tech Insider
A man stands in a deep hole in the ground, collecting groundwater to water a cow shown on the right.
In about a third of the aquifers analyzed, researchers found that depletion has been more severe in the 21st century than in the last 20 years of the previous one.
Tech Insider
A heritage breed black Spanish tom turkey free ranging in a grassy green field.
Farmers bread turkeys to grow so big, so fast, that their skeletons couldn't keep up and their legs gave in. Heritage turkey breeds, like this one, don't have that problem.
Tech Insider : Economy
A server delivers food and a beer in a bar.
A server delivers food and a beer in a bar.
Tech Insider : Technology
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