Tech Insider : Politics
image of Schumer talking at podium next to sign that says
Senate Democrat Chuck Schumer discusses Alabama's ruling on IVF in February, 2024.
Tech Insider : Politics
Joe Biden has repeatedly criticized Donald Trump over abortion
President Joe Biden has gone to great lengths to talk about abortion rights while former President Donald Trump appears eager to try to avoid the topic.
Tech Insider : Politics, Politics

Republicans including Kari Lake and David Schweikert are changing their minds on abortion laws after previously supporting Roe v. Wade's reversal. 

Tech Insider : Politics
Orlando Sonza, the Republican set to take on Democratic Rep. Greg Landsman of Ohio.
Orlando Sonza, the Republican set to take on Democratic Rep. Greg Landsman of Ohio.
Tech Insider : Politics
House Speaker Mike Johnson and fellow Republicans on the Capitol Steps on October 25, 2023.
House Speaker Mike Johnson and fellow Republicans on the Capitol Steps on October 25, 2023.
Tech Insider : Politics
Alabama's Supreme Court ruled in February that frozen embryos are considered people under state law.
Tech Insider : Politics
Protestors gathered in front of a federal courthouse in Reno, Nevada to protest the overturning of Roe v. Wade.
Protesters gather in front of a federal courthouse in Reno, Nevada.
Tech Insider : Politics
Russian President Vladimir Putin speaks to Russian Orthodox Church Patriarch Kirill at Red Square in Moscow.
Russian President Vladimir Putin speaks to Russian Orthodox Church Patriarch Kirill at Red Square in Moscow in November 2023.