
In the past, every new version of Android felt like a special occasion for the platform’s devoted users. It meant new software features, better algorithms, improved user interfaces, and maybe even something fun.



You only need two letters to describe best the latest iteration of Google’s big yearly developer shebang: AI.


Google’s best new Android feature in years is Circle to Search, which is why it took center stage at today’s Google I/O opening keynote. Google announced new updates to Gemini, the AI that powers the Android operating system.


The Steam Deck remains extra popular partly due to the stranglehold Valve’s Steam has on the PC games market but also partially because it (arguably) popularized the modern renditio


Like anything mechanical—your car, for example, or your washing machine—your laptop or desktop computer will benefit from being regularly maintained, it’ll last longer and perform better, and the regular jobs you need to do to keep it in the best possible condition won’t take you too long or need too much expertise.



For the last 10 years, Chromebooks have remained just what they are. Chromebooks are Chromebooks. Manufacturers release new models every year with slightly updated specs and Google makes minor additions to the ChromeOS-based platform. But despite that, Chromebooks are still low-end budget laptops for folks who only…



Google just launched a new AI Google Chrome feature that lets users right-click in any text box and fill it with words from a chatbot. It’s called “Help Me Write,” and while it might sound small, it could have a profound and permanent effect on the internet. Until this point, it took a couple of steps to spin up some…



On Tuesday, Google announced a slew of new features in Chrome that continue web browsers’ inevitable march into the world of artificial intelligence. They include an AI theme generator that customizes the look of your browser, a tool that will fill any field with AI-penned text, and a new “smart” tab organizer that…


Chrome’s Incognito mode is a bit of a joke that even Google employees weren’t so hyped about it. It’s now going to be less useful for “privacy” reasons, as explained in a new disclaimer change.