Tech Insider : Politics

A battle is playing out in the Red Sea as Yemen's Houthi militia attacks commercial shipping vessels headed to the Suez Canal using weapons supplied by Iran. Now a US-led task force is fighting back.

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A missile is launched from a French warship in the Red Sea.
A missile is launched from a French warship in the Red Sea.
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The US Coast Guard said it seized over 200 packages of illegal weapons and military components from a vessel in the Arabian Sea on January 28.
The US Coast Guard said it seized over 200 packages of illegal weapons and military components from a vessel in the Arabian Sea on January 28.
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Russian missile rocket Kramatorsk
Ukrainian personnel near a projectile in a road after Russian shelling in Kramatorsk on September 2.
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Russia Moscow Defense Ministry Pantsir Pantsyr air defense
A Pantsyr S-1 air-defense system atop the Russian Defense Ministry in Moscow on August 3.