
Like pretty much everyone else this weekend, I’m watching the TV adaptation of Fallout.


Earlier this month, at New York Comic Con, Bryan Lee O’Malley and BenDavid Grabinski sat down with io9 and a roundtable of journalists to discuss the upcoming anime, S


This fall is really lining up to be an incredible one for sci-fi nerds. Dune is coming to Netflix in October, The Creator is releasing this week, and spooky season is coming.


In a new interview, Scott Pilgrim Takes Off executive producers Bryan Lee O’Malley and BenDavid Grabinski revealed that they had to make some adjustments to set this version of the graphic novel in a kind of suspended “


You’ve read the comics. You’ve seen the movie. Will you still be able to get something out of the new Netflix anime, Scott Pilgrim Takes Off?