Tech Insider
An illustration of Elizabeth Freeman, Judge Marvin Isgur, and Judge David Jones

On a mild Houston day in March 2021, Judge Marvin Isgur prepared to oversee the only case on his docket that morning. It was a motion to recuse his longtime colleague on the bench, David Jones, from a case involving a bankrupt engineering company.

Tech Insider
Latham & Watkins Washington
Latham & Watkins has been expanding operations in the UK.
Tech Insider
Two people looking at a computer screen.
Even non-tech companies are looking to hire people with AI talent — and they're listing jobs with salaries over six figures.
Tech Insider
photos of people sitting in an office
Major consulting and law firms are beginning to implement AI, which could help junior workers climb the corporate ladder faster.
Tech Insider
Unplugged has 20 digital detox cabins across the UK
Unplugged, a UK-based company, partners with employers to help them give their staff three to four day stays in its digital detox cabins.