Tech Insider : Economy
Police officers stand in front of the U.S. Supreme Court during the 50th annual March for Life rally on January 20, 2023 in Washington, DC.
As president, Donald Trump signed an executive order making classical architecture the preferred style for federal buildings and called modernist architecture "ugly and inconsistent."

Scientists working on the scorched interior of Notre-Dame de Paris have found iron was used in the cathedral’s construction in the mid-12th century. It’s an unexpected discovery that changes how researchers thought the church was built, and provides surprising insights on the iron trade in 12th-century Paris.

Tech Insider
We see a typical craftsman style home with a section cutaway to reveal a fun and modern workspace.
Zillow told Insider that home offices were mentioned in 11.5% of all listings in February 2023

Frank Lloyd Wright was not only known for his iconic architectural creations like the groundbreaking Fallingwater house and the Guggenheim Museum, but also for designing many of the complementary furniture pieces found inside them.