Tech Insider
A girl in a plaid dress and braids excavated an Ancient Roman town in the 1930s
At 13, Helen Carlton-Smith took part in excavating Verulamium and kept a diary of the dig.
Tech Insider
Brenden Sener stands in a kitchen with his Archimedes Death Ray science fair project on the counter
Brenden Sener won several awards for his science fair project recreating Archimedes' death ray.
Tech Insider
Contestants in the Vesuvius Challenge used AI to decipher 2,000-year old papyrus scrolls.
Contestants in the Vesuvius Challenge used AI to decipher 2,000-year-old papyrus scrolls.
Tech Insider
image of divers underwater looking at sandy seabed
Divers unearth the coins from the seabed off the coast of Sardinia, Italy.
Tech Insider
A black and white photo of a commander receiving a message at the mouth of a tunnel.
The commanding officer of an armored unit receives a message at his HQ located in a tunnel.
Tech Insider
A still from a video shows researchers smiling widely as they pull the sword from the rock.
Scientists discovered four perfectly preserved Roman swords hiding in a cave near the Dead Sea, the Israel Antiquities Authority said Wednesday.