
Welcome back to Gizmodo’s March Madness bracket challenge to name the greatest app of all time! With a whopping 73 percent of the vote, Spotify triumphed over Evernote in yesterday’s head-to-head. Today we have another music app taking on the whole world.



It’s Day 12 of Gizmodo’s March Madness bracket challenge to name the greatest app of all time and we may have a new frontrunner. With over 77 percent of yesterday’s vote, Flashlight left Tinder dead in a ditch. Today we have what was once the king of note-taking apps going up against the pioneer of on-demand music…



Welcome back to Gizmodo’s March Madness bracket challenge to name the greatest app of all time! Yesterday’s lineup was an extremely close race and Read It Later fans put up an admirable fight but with 52 percent of the vote, Twitter goes to the next round. Today, we have a contest between apps for people who like to…



Welcome to Gizmodo’s first annual March Madness bracket. We want you to help us figure out which app is the greatest of all time. We’ve nominated 32 competitors, and two of them will go head-to-head each day until one app is chosen to wear the crown for eternity.



Apple users seem unanimously convinced that closing background apps is a good habit, but it’s more likely a waste of time. For too long, I’ve watched friends and family orchestrate a frenzy of up-swipes from their iPhone’s multitasking screen to cleanse themselves of countless open background apps.


The piracy app Kimi, which let users watch stolen movies and TV shows on their iPhones, briefly surpassed streaming heavyweights on Apple’s App Store rankings before being removed by the company for violating its rules.



Apple is granting more access to its manicured walled garden to comply with the Digital Markets Act (DMA) in the European Union (EU).


Google’s been in and out of court quite a bit lately. Last week, Epic won a years-long suit against the search giant for anti-competitive practices within the Play Store.


Apple is trying to give those who purchase the $3,500 Vision Pro headset as much bang for their buck as possible, even if that means dragging all the apps from its other app ecosystems over to its first mixed reality headset.