Tech Insider
melissa drake's son proposing to his girlfriend
The author's son proposed to his girlfriend after a difficult childhood.
Tech Insider
a woman teacher reading a book to kids
The author, not pictured, is a teacher who used to come out to her students.
Tech Insider : Travel, Travel
Woman working on laptop on desk buy window.
Louisa Rogers (not pictured) rented an Airbnb near her home to work on a writing project.
Tech Insider
Dufflyn Lammers and her french husband kissing
The writer, left, sometimes fights with her French husband, right.
Tech Insider
Red skin with blisters on male shoulder and back
The author broke out in hives and could feel her throat close after being exposed to sun.
Tech Insider : Travel
Woman posing at Burning Man
The author's first Burning Man experience was a muddy disaster.