
Uber’s Record My Ride feature is expanding to even more cities across the United States. The feature gives both passengers and drivers the ability to easily record audio during a trip in an effort to boost safety for both parties involved.



Most airports come equipped with very clear signage at every possible turn: baggage claim one way, international gates the other way, restrooms straight ahead. However, if those indicators have ever failed you, Uber is here to help.


Gizmodo : Economy, Business

Uber is reportedly pursuing an unorthodox approach to performance reviews at the ride-share company.

Gizmodo : Economy

If you were seeking any more reasons to be skeptical of the crypto market, here you go: Nearly a quarter of new coins minted on the blockchain that attained any value in 2022 fit the on-chain characteristics of a pump-and-dump scheme, according to


Lyft shares are underperforming compared to its main competitor, Uber, spiking concerns that the rideshare company may have to offset its losses with price gouging and cost-cutting measures.

Gizmodo : Economy

You hear about class-action lawsuits all the time, like this one filed against Apple (based on a Gizmodo story!), or this other one against Apple (or this one


Uber Eats rolled out a new “View as Delivery Person” feature this week to combat uncomfortable experiences or concerns customers may have with their delivery driver. The new feature will allow customers to see what personal data and information their driver/biker/scooter-ers have access to during each stage of the…

Gizmodo : Economy, Politics

There’s no such thing as a free lunch (or snack) and Texas Senator Ted Cruz knows this, which is why the conservative wants to bring cryptocurrency into Congress.


As the old adage goes: Time is money. And now there’s one more reason to watch the clock. Lyft has quietly added wait time fees to its cost scheme. If you request a car and aren’t present at the pick up point within two minutes (or 5 minutes for luxury rides) of the scheduled arrival time, the rideshare app will now…