
After a movie that stunk like pea soup throw-up, The Exorcist franchise is returning in a brand new way. As previously rumored, Mike Flanagan will now officially write, direct, and produce what’s being called “a radical new take on TheExorcist” for Blumhouse and Morgan Creek.


In a horror movie, an eclipse—a surreal occurrence that can shroud a sunny day in total darkness, or blot the moon from the night sky—is an excellent way to telegraph that


Last year, io9 took at look at Hollywood’s upcoming calendar and assembled a reading list of sci-fi, fantasy, and horror books tapped for movie and TV adaptations—some of which, like


Loki’s Tom Hiddleston is already aboard as The Life of Chuck’s title character, and Mark Hamill—coming off an excellent turn in Mike Flanagan’s The Fall of the Ho