Tech Insider
composite of Olivia Dreizen Howell's headshot and her facebook post about her divorce
The author announced her divorce on Facebook.
Tech Insider
Woman posing for photo in wedding dress
The author only has a few photos of her wedding dress before her wedding was canceled.
Tech Insider
ronni benson with her arms in the air, smiling, in an open field
The author married in college to save money; now she's happily divorced.
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a person sitting on the floor surrounded by moving boxes
The author, not pictured, is starting over after their divorce.
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Teenager wearing boyfriend's hoodie
The author says that she knows when her daughter is dating someone because she wears the boyfriend's hoodie.
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Selfie couple in public transportation
The author and her husband have never worn wedding rings.
Tech Insider
Women wearing wedding dresses for dinner
Hailey Myers with her sisters and mom on her way to her 40th birthday dinner.
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Playful siblings having fun during summer day at the pool
The author shares how summer goes too quickly as a divorced parent