Gizmodo : Sports

The dust seems to have mostly settled on the Drake vs. Kendrick Lamar rap beef (for now), but the musical back and forth between the two hip-hop titans has imprinted itself on pop culture.


I can hear my own heartbeat running through the suction cup-like pads of the PlayStation Pulse Elite. The headset is so tight it’s picking up on the blood running at frightening rates to my head. It’s a strange sensation, to be sure, like I’m half-submerged in some sensory deprivation tank, and I’m about to be hurled…



Jeff Bezos’ space venture is ready to test its Blue Ring orbital platform, which could become a pivotal pitstop for missions journeying to the Moon and beyond.



Blue Origin, the aerospace company founded by Jeff Bezos, is finally setting some ambitious timelines, saying it plans to conduct an uncrewed Moon landing in as little as a year from now, deploying a demonstration version of its Blue Moon Mark 1 (MK1) cargo lander. This ramps up the space rivalry big time, putting…



If you’ve still not had a chance to experience a real, large gaming OLED display, then jumping in front of Alienware’s AW3225QF QD-OLED monitor is akin to submerging your eyes in a warm bath of color. It’s a pleasant feeling, the kind of thing you hope to get from an ultra-premium device. Like a massage, the first…


Blue Origin has revealed a life-sized model of its upcoming lunar cargo lander, Blue Moon Mark 1 (MK1), achieving a significant step in its plans to facilitate cargo transport to the Moon’s surface.



Beginning with 2011’s Mortal Kombat 9, NetherRealm Studios has put a stronger emphasis on the narrative of its now 30-year-old fighting franchise.