
From Roman gladiators and personified emotions to vampires, jokers, and Wolverines, CinemaCon 2024 was absolutely stacked.


Paramount introduced the beloved animated franchise’s jump to the big screen at CinemaCon 2024 with Aang: The Last Airbender (the film’s working title).


Netflix’s Avatar adaptation may have suffered a similar critical fate to its predecessor in the M.


We’ve been hearing about Netflix’s plans to bring Avatar: The Last Airbender for live-action for years, and the news has bounced between “oh, that’s interesting” and “oh, it’s over.” And after all the purported


Bong Joon Ho’s Mickey 17 has been hit with another delay. The cast of Venom 3 is expanding. Prince Zuko brings the heat in a new clip from Netflix’s The Last Airbender. Plus, what’s to come on Halo as the show adapts a major piece of gaming lore, and Stephen King is still wondering what Warner Bros. is doing with Salem…



With Avatar: The Last Airbender premeiring later in the month, Netflix has gradually started to pull back the curtain on its adaptation of the 2005 cartoon.


Nickelodeon’s Avatar: The Last Airbender saw Aang and the rest of Team Avatar travel the world so he could master all four elements from different bending masters.