
Frank Grillo’s new werewolf horror gets a release date. Get a creepy look at Nic Cage’s new turn in the latest footage from Longlegs. Max still wants to bring The Conjuring to streaming. Plus, what’s coming on Orphan Black: Echoes. Spoilers now!



Disney+ and Hulu are now a single destination, after a beta period designed in part to let parents fiddle with the settings ahead of Disney+’s impending influx


Fans of Game of Thrones will remember that a key character, hunky sellsword Daario Naharis, looked rather different in season four after debuting in season three—and now the two actors who played him, Ed Skrein and Michiel Huisman, are sharing the screen in


So you finally checked out AMC’s Interview With the Vampire thanks to Max (we told you!), and now you’re in the mood to devour