
A study recently published in the peer-reviewed American Psychologist journal claims that a combination of facial recognition and artificial intelligence technology can accurately assess a person’s political orientation by simply looking at that person’s blank, expressionless face.


Every year, Stanford University’s Institute for Human-Centered Artificial Intelligence releases a big report about the status of the artificial intelligence industry. This year’s report, published this week, is a whopping 502 pages and includes a wealth of insights on the trendy technology. Tucked into its section on…


Elmo celebrated his birthday earlier this month. The beloved children’s entertainer made his first appearance on Sesame Street in 1980, so it seems like a fair guess that he would have turned at least 44 years old this year. By any normal measure, Elmo should be a middle-aged man, but lurking in the details of his…



The brain of 34-year-old Amber Pearson contains a one-of-a-kind implant. The Oregon resident is the first person to have a deep brain stimulation device that manages both her epileptic seizures and her obsessive compulsive disorder symptoms. Her subsequent improvement has inspired scientists to conduct larger studies…



Our mouths and guts are teeming with mysterious somethings that are unknown to science, new research suggests. A team says they’ve discovered distinct virus-like structures hanging out among the bacteria that live in our bodies. The researchers have coined these structures “obelisks,” and they might further redefine…



Welcome to another installment of Gizmodo’s Animal Crime of the Week. Last week, we admired the trash-stealing parrots of Australia. This week features a bitey, cake-stealing iguana that added injury to insult by giving its victim a nasty, rare infection.


NASA’s supersonic experimental plane—the linchpin of the agency’s Quesst mission—is set to roll out of its warehouse in the California desert next week. We’re gassed for the big moment: the X-59 has been in development for six years, and, if successful, it will demonstrate supersonic flight without sonic booms. -…