Tech Insider
Zilis is a director at Neuralink.
Neuralink inserted its implant in its first human patient in January.
Tech Insider
Neuralink logo on a phone
Neuralink revealed the first human patient to receive its brain-chip implant in March
Tech Insider
Zilis is a director at Neuralink.
Neuralink has implanted one of its chips into a human for the first time, following several years of tests conducted on monkeys.
Tech Insider
Neuralink logo displayed on a screen with a blurred image of Elon Musk behind it
Neuralink implanted its chip in a human for the first time last month.
Tech Insider
AI brain
China's Ministry of Industry and Information Technology published a new policy document this week.
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A hand holding a phone displaying a graphic that says,
Thousands of people have expressed interest in participating in the FDA trial for Neuralink, Bloomberg reported.
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A high school student in a navy blazer and white shirt holds a black headset
Canadian high school student Anush Mutyala with the headset he used as part of his neural implant science fair project.