
Bernie Sanders, the independent Senator from Vermont, has long been railing against the price of prescription medications in the U.S., as Americans pay the highest prices for drugs in the world. But Sen.


Senator Bernie Sanders (I-VT) is taking aim at one of Big Pharma’s newest cash cows: the latest generation of effective obesity medications.


AstraZeneca, the UK-based maker of popular inhalers like Symbicort and Airsupra, announced Monday it plans to cap costs for patients using its inhalers in the U.S. at $35 per month starting June 1.


Another year, another round of inscrutable price increases for many prescription drugs. Over 700 medicines are seeing their list prices shoot up this January, according to an analysis by the organization 46brooklyn Research. The average price increase is slightly below the trend of recent years, but includes popular…



Drug commercials in the U.S. are set to become more intelligible. On Monday, the Food and Drug Administration updated its regulations regarding prescription drug ads that air on TV or radio. The change will specifically mandate that a drug’s side effects and other potential dangers “must be presented in a clear,…



Health officials in Austria are the latest to warn the public to stay away from sketchy sources of semaglutide, the active ingredient in popular weight loss drugs Wegovy and Ozempic, following recent reports of severe adverse effects linked to counterfeit products. Residents have reportedly been hospitalized with…