Gizmodo : Environment

Tree planting projects seem like a great climate solution—lots of trees can sequester lots of carbon that would otherwise be warming the atmosphere. But, surprise surprise, it turns out you can’t just plop any old tree into the ground and expect to reap environmental benefits, new research finds.


Gizmodo : Environment

The Bezos-Musk rivalry intensifies this week as Amazon gears up for the launch of two demo internet satellites. This marks the beginning of the Amazon billionaire’s 3,236-satellite-strong megaconstellation that might one day compete with Musk’s leading space-based service, SpaceX—with “one day” being the operative…


Gizmodo : Environment

NASA’s mission to a metal-rich asteroid is back on track after a minor setback. Psyche is now all set to launch on October 12.


Gizmodo : Environment

A team of astronomers have detected over 500 planet-like objects in the inner Orion Nebula and the Trapezium Cluster that they believe could shake up the very definition of a planet.


Gizmodo : Environment

Americans will receive a nationwide emergency test alert on their cellphones, TVs, and radios on Wednesday at 2:20 p.m. ET. to test the wireless alert systems. The test will be conducted to ensure that the system’s automated response continues to operate efficiently in case of a public emergency.


Gizmodo : Environment

Scientists working to open up the sample canister containing rock and dust from asteroid Bennu have run into a problem: there’s just too much of it.


Gizmodo : Environment

The ground beneath New York City is sinking and rising across different areas, new research shows. The sinking has contributed to worsening flood risks, including at sporting arenas, roadways, and a busy airport.


Gizmodo : Environment

The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) issued a $150,000 fine against Dish Network for failing to properly dispose of its broadcast communications satellite, leading to an increase in orbital debris.


Gizmodo : Environment

Late last year, a communications satellite unfurled its giant wings, stretching out a 693-square-foot (64-square-meter) antenna array in low Earth orbit. Once fully deployed, BlueWalker 3 became one of the brightest objects in the night sky, outshined only by the Moon, Venus, Jupiter and seven stars, according to new…